Ballroom E Youkosuo Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 903 results

  • Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

    Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system



    Transmigrated as a beautiful CEO, everything is within reach of her hands. Wealth, Power, and Influence. And she also possesses the system. Starting point high with all the helps from the universe, what could go wrong? What?! She is in a world similar to the combination of novels. What! The most hated sadomasochistic-SM-CEO and his wife, novel theme, and her half-sister was a heroine. Side characters never ever had a good time as the world revolves around them. Our CEO knows this and her worries increase. What?! Another novel theme shows up in this world and it's a stallion one. Messed up and you still tell me... Heaven! That's not all, she is supposed to be a member of the harem of the male protagonist. ****! our CEO shoves a middle finger at the world and strangles the system. What in the world have you brought me here for? Companions, enemies, connections, and successes are all meant for her to walk through. Each step, every struggle will be her monument. Rising to the top of the pyramid, overlooking from above, everything within her grasp. Prove to the world, a woman can hold up half the sky. First, Let me find a way to divorce this engagement with Lin Fan. Former Title: My system helps me become a cold, beautiful, elegant C.E.O

  • La Princesse Oubliée

    La Princesse Oubliée


    Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist est la plus jeune fille du Roi Edward d'Alvannie. Elle est une enfant illégitime née d'une femme de chambre dans le château que son père avait affectionné. Après la mort de sa mère alors qu'elle était jeune, son père l'a ramenée chez lui et l'a 'adoptée'. En raison de sa naissance modeste et de son illégitimité, elle a été négligée par son père, le roi, maltraitée par sa belle-mère, la reine et ses demi-frères et sœurs. Quand elle a eu 16 ans, une guerre a éclaté avec le pays voisin de Grandcrest. La guerre a duré deux longues années et les deux pays ont conclu une trêve à la fin. L'empire Grandcest a demandé qu'une princesse soit mariée au jeune roi. On dit que le roi de Grandcrest a spécifiquement demandé la main d'Alicia. Alicia avait 18 ans quand elle a été envoyée à Grandcrest en tant que fiancée du jeune roi qui était réputé être un tyran maléfique au sang froid, le Roi Régaleon de l'empire Grandcrest. Note : Photo de couverture de Pinterest.

  • Sra. e Sr. Smith

    Sra. e Sr. Smith

    Ethan Smith caminhou pela rua vazia, cigarro na boca, balançando a cabeça e forçando um sorriso amargo. Quem poderia imaginar que, após três anos de casamento, tudo o que restava era traição? Ele jurou fazer aquela mulher se arrepender do que havia feito e prometeu fazer todos que tinham sido bons para ele viverem uma vida boa. Sim, era Emily Taylor, a mulher que o havia ajudado a sair do abismo do desespero quando ele atingiu o ponto mais baixo de sua vida. "Emily, é hora de eu cuidar de você."

  • L'Épouse Masquée du Duc

    L'Épouse Masquée du Duc


    La fille du baron, Alessandra Barrett, porte un masque depuis son jeune âge à cause d'une blessure. Beaucoup disent que si vous deviez voir le visage derrière le masque, vous seriez maudit et mourriez peu après. Elle est considérée comme un fantôme, évitée par tous ceux qui visitent la maison du baron jusqu'à ce qu'elle devienne la femme du duc. Personne ne comprenait pourquoi le duc choisirait une telle femme. Souhaitait-il mourir ? Que deviendrait la jeune fille qui se cachait autrefois dans l'ombre mais qui était désormais sous le feu des projecteurs en tant que femme masquée du duc ? Que diraient tous s'ils apprenaient la vérité qu'elle était dans un mariage sous contrat avec le duc ?

  • Il m'a volée à mon mari minable

    Il m'a volée à mon mari minable


    [Contenu Mature.] “Ce bébé est le mien, et toi aussi,” a-t-il déclaré, pointant le ventre de Kate tandis que ses yeux verts profonds fixaient Kate, comme un viper prêt à frapper. Kate ne pouvait pas croire que lui - Henry Grant, son nouveau patron de huit ans son cadet, était le père de son enfant à naître. "Nous devrions être ensemble par défaut. Mais je te donnerai le choix. Va et souffre avec ton mari no-life, ou viens avec moi, je te montrerai tous les plaisirs que tu as manqués." ===== Pendant les cinq dernières années de son mariage, Katherine "Kate" Woods, 32 ans, avait toujours cru qu'elle était stérile. Elle ne pouvait pas concevoir d'enfant et son mari no-life Matt l'insultait toujours à cause de cela, la traitant de femme inutile alors même qu'il ne trouvait jamais de travail lui-même, forçant Kate à être le seul soutien de famille. Pourtant, il avait encore le culot de la tromper avec sa propre soeur ! Le cœur brisé, Kate s'est réfugiée dans son bureau tard dans la nuit avec quatre bouteilles de vin rouge fort. A sa surprise, elle n'était pas seule. Un beau jeune homme se tenait dans son bureau, en train de la regarder. Il a refusé de donner son nom, mais a proposé de lui tenir compagnie pour la nuit. Avec le désir et l'alcool courant dans ses veines, Kate s'est volontiers abandonnée à ses instincts les plus bas, les plus refoulés, séduisant le visiteur anonyme mais consentant. Dans son ivresse, elle a déclaré avec audace: "Si mon mari veut coucher avec toutes les femmes de la terre, alors deux peuvent jouer à ce jeu." Elle ne se souciait pas qu'ils le fassent à cru, car elle pensait toujours qu'elle était stérile. Seulement pour se retrouver à regarder un test de grossesse positif un mois plus tard. Kate Woods, la prétendument 'femme stérile', était enceinte. L'inconnu avait accompli en une nuit ce que Matt n'avait pas pu faire en cinq ans. - Maintenant que Henry lui a donné le choix, Kate va-t-elle quitter son mari no-life et se jeter dans la mer d'incertitude avec ce jeune homme ? Ou va-t-elle rester avec Matt, son mari qui l'a trompée pour le bien de leurs familles ? - Couverture Commandée Officielle. - Contactez moi : Instagram : @ForeverPupa -

  • Mariée au fils du Diable

    Mariée au fils du Diable


    【Volume 1 - Mariée au fils du Diable】 Un prince, dont la rumeur dit qu'il est le fils du Diable. Il est la définition du Danger. Il est l'incarnation même des Ténèbres. Une princesse. Emprisonnée dans sa propre maison, elle ne doit en sortir que lorsqu'elle se marie. Mais avec qui doit-elle se marier ? *** Il était une fois, le Diable tomba amoureux de l'une des nombreuses épouses du Roi. Une nuit, il se rendit dans sa chambre déguisé en son mari et fit l'amour avec elle. Elle tomba enceinte de son enfant. Connaissant cela, le Roi ordonna son exécution croyant que sa femme l'avait trompé, mais alors le Diable apparut au roi lui proposant un marché. En échange d'un grand pouvoir pour son Royaume, le Roi laisserait sa femme concevoir l'enfant du Diable. Le Roi, avide de pouvoir, accepta l'accord et son Royaume devint l'un des Royaumes les plus puissants et l'enfant du Diable, le septième Prince du Royaume. Être une princesse a probablement l'air agréable. Une vie pleine de luxe, de belles robes et de jolies chaussures, mais pour Hazel, il n'y a rien d'agréable à être une princesse. Elle ne peut jamais sortir du palais, elle ne peut jamais se faire des amis, elle ne peut jamais manger ou dire ou porter ce qu'elle veut et elle ne peut jamais choisir la personne qu'elle va épouser. Bientôt, elle va se marier avec un homme qu'elle n'a jamais rencontré, un prince qui est réputé être le fils du Diable. 【Volume 2 - Retour du fils du Diable】 **Suite de Mariée au fils du Diable** Il est de retour ! Cette fois, plus féroce, plus rapide et plus fort, avec une seule chose en tête. La Revanche ! Prince des Ténèbres, Fils du Diable, Lucian est de retour, et il n'a qu'une chose en tête. La Revanche ! C'est jusqu'à ce qu'il la rencontre. Une femme qui l'attire au-delà de la raison, mais qui prétend également être sa femme. Entouré de secrets sombres et d'ennemis puissants, Lucian doit décider à qui faire confiance et qui détruire. Après avoir eu le cœur brisé une fois, Klara a juré de ne plus jamais tomber amoureuse. Mais lorsque son frère essaie de la forcer à se marier et que l'agaçant mais terriblement séduisant Roshan la sauve, les choses se compliquent. Peut-elle protéger son cœur de l'homme dont le toucher fait prendre feu à son corps ? Ou va-t-elle se rendre à son désir et risquer son cœur une fois de plus ? —————————————————————————————————— 【Volume 3 - Le Diable dans ses Rêves】 LA BÊTE PARMI NOUS Imaginez vivre dans un monde plein d'êtres enflammés et sauvages, se cachant dans l'ombre, errant dans nos rêves, se glissant sous notre peau. Écoutant, manipulant nos esprits et explorant nos corps. Ce sont des sauvages, des bêtes mais certains sont des compagnons et des amis d'enfance. Certains sont dangereux, d'autres le sont encore plus. Ils vivent parmi nous. Certains d'entre nous les appellent des Démons, d'autres des Djinn. Mais certains d'entre eux ne devraient jamais être appelés. LA BEAUTÉ À LA RECHERCHE DE L'AMOUR Heaven, la petite-fille du diable et princesse de Decresh a tout dans la vie. Des parents aimants, la beauté, la richesse et le statut. Mais une chose manque. Et c'est l'amour. Heaven rêve du genre d'amour que ses parents ont et maintenant qu'elle est en âge de se marier, elle doit trouver l'homme de ses rêves et le futur roi de Decresh. Et elle doit le trouver rapidement. Il y a un homme. Un mystérieux étranger aux yeux d'argent qui apparaît constamment dans ses rêves. Qui est il et que veut-il ? Alors que la file des prétendants s'allonge, les rêves de Heaven deviennent plus vifs la forçant à partir en voyage pour trouver l'homme de ses rêves. Pourrait-il aussi être l'homme de ses rêves ? Ou se révélera-t-il être un cauchemar ?

  • My Faᵵe System

    My Faᵵe System



    [You have used 100 Lost Souls to summon an undead.] ‘Change probability,’ Nikolai used his powers of fate and increased probability. The giant black box in front of him began rotating, and golden cracks appeared as another undead joined his army. [You have obtained the Dullahan of Wrath (Lvl. 1)] Nikolai grinned and clenched his fist in excitement. With this monster joining his undead army, he’ll have an easier time getting the Legendary Skill. [Warning!] [Consume one Living Soul or suffer the consequences.] The system stole his joy and sought to remind him that he was no longer human. Nikolai sighed and looked at himself in the mirror. He stopped being human the moment he awakened. Now, he needed to devour humans to stay alive. Humans and gods alike hated him. *** I hold no copyrights over the cover. *** If you wish to support me:

  • Switching My Future Fiancée

    Switching My Future Fiancée



    Miraya and Marcella, the Katto twins, are almost identical and hardly distinguished by people who see them first. So when their parents try to match one of them off, they agree to switch places. Marcella then goes on to the blind date with the man who Miraya is supposed to engage! The chaos happens when Miraya accidentally meets with her supposed fiance, Artemis. What will happen when Miraya find out that Artemis also switch his place to someone else? Then who is the guy that engages with Marcella at the blind date? "Wait ... aren't you, Artemis Brajamohan? You supposed to have a date at the club tonight, right?" exclaimed Miraya in shocking expression. Artemis raised his eyebrows, having the same acts. "What ... who are you?" Miraya thought to herself, then shouted, "Then who is the guy that dates with Marcella right now?" Have a pleasant roller-coaster experience that will make you smile while reading it. And please be kind to me because English is not my first language. Happy reading! Follow my IG: @nandastrand, FB: @NandaStrand

  • Obligée de sortir avec un grand ponte

    Obligée de sortir avec un grand ponte

    Xue Xi est contrainte de tomber amoureuse au premier regard de cet homme dangereux lors de leur première rencontre. La mort étant la seule autre option, elle fait le premier pas :« Je suis riche et je sais me battre. »« Sois mon petit ami et je te protégerai. »Dès lors, la nouvelle que la fille aînée de la famille Xue et première étudiante entretenait un gigolo commence lentement à se répandre. Hélas, c'est quelqu'un qui protège férocement les personnes qu'elle considère comme siennes, jusqu'à ce jour fatidique—protégeant l'homme derrière elle des voyous présumés, elle proclame froidement :« Mon petit ami est timide, donc si vous avez un problème, venez plutôt à moi. »Les voyous frissonnent de peur en regardant vers un certain grand patron qui est protégé. Ainsi, le fameux « Yama Noir » a en fait ce genre de passe-temps ?

  • S.P.A.R.K.L.E And S.H.I.N.E

    S.P.A.R.K.L.E And S.H.I.N.E

    Book FOUR in the Chronicles of Mischief saga "You're a superstar, Ronan. You're made up of stardust and magic. Don't you ever let anybody dull your shine."

  • CEO's Mysterious Fiancée

    CEO's Mysterious Fiancée

    After eighteen years in the Tate family, Paige Tate suddenly found out that she wasn't her parents' daughter.Their biological daughter was back, and Paige was abandoned. They were about to send Paige back to her hometown, which was an allegedly poor county...However, the so-called poor county turned out to be the area where the most expensive villas in the country gathered!Overnight, she went from a fake daughter of a relatively rich family to a real daughter of a top family!Her biological parents doted on her unconditionally. They allowed her to have at least 1.6 million dollars as her pocket money, drive whichever luxury car in the garage she favored, buy whatever customized luxuries in the world she pleased, and choose any top school she preferred.If she didn't want to go to school, she could kill her time with the family business!What shocked Paige the most was that she had a fiancé...Her fiancé proposed to break off the engagement, and Paige didn't give a damn. However, she was confused by what happened afterward. He had proposed to break off the engagement, and then he clung onto her as if he was a completely different person!He became so clingy and handsy.Paige was annoyed. "Who are you, Sir?""Baby, I am your husband.""I don't have a husband. An ex-fiancé who wants to break off our engagement is all I have."Martin Stowe, the world's richest man, feared by everyone in the world, was speechless.He wanted to punch himself as he was so silly that he called off the marriage without even meeting Paige...

  • Eu transmigrei e ganhei um marido e um filho!

    Eu transmigrei e ganhei um marido e um filho!


    ```Ela era conhecida por muitos nomes: Demônia, uma bruxa perversa, uma herdeira nascida para governar o inferno, a mais cruel, e a mais venenosa flor no mundo subterrâneo. Poucos sabiam, a herdeira da mais misteriosa organização de assassinatos tinha um sonho simples.Um sonho que muitas garotas tinham: ter uma vida tranquila com um marido e um filho.Foi por isso que, quando esta infame líder da organização de assassinos acordou no corpo de Heaven Liu, ela pensou que seu sonho de vida finalmente tinha se tornado realidade. Mas a realidade estava longe do que ela esperava.Heaven Liu era uma atriz decadente; ela desapareceu dos holofotes no auge da fama. A razão?Uma gravidez indesejada.Forçada a se casar com um homem que não amava, o casamento desmoronou facilmente — quase à beira de sem reparo.Com essa realidade que ela tinha que enfrentar, será que ela seria capaz de consertar os corações partidos de seu marido e filho? Ou a distância entre eles continuaria a aumentar? Com esse casamento sem amor desde o início, haveria uma chance de eles viverem felizes como uma família? Ou seria tarde demais?O mais importante, será que ela realmente escaparia das correntes que pensava ter rompido? Ou seu próprio inferno a alcançaria para arrastá-la de volta aos fossos do inferno aonde ela pertence?*****O EBOOK ESTÁ DISPONÍVEL NA AMAZON. LINK: tradução para Espanhol também está disponível na Webnovel.Link:!_29071013600828005Isenção de responsabilidade: A capa não é de minha autoria. Todos os créditos vão para o artista.Esta é uma parte da série Wild da autora.Wild Miss Heiress: Eu reencarnei e consegui um marido e um filho!```

  • The Secrets of the Ballroom

    The Secrets of the Ballroom


    I'm Liddiexi of The Horde. I've been running from my past for years. Only thing is, I can't remember anything about it. My world has been torn apart and fractured into 5 kingdoms. Ice, Fire, Dark Death, Lost Light, and The O.T.H.E.R.S metropolis... Only, one has been burned to ashe. My kingdom. Will you help me with this journey to figure out how and who destroyed Flamealicor?

  • S.E.N.S.E: God's Favor

    S.E.N.S.E: God's Favor



    After dying in a tragic arson incident, Ace was reborn with God's Favor in a powerful family with his past memories on a new Earth where humans evolved into superhumans. His luck is so powerful that it can erase any bad luck and misfortune around him and anyone related to him. But he soon realized that the shadows of his past has caught up to him. His misfortune and bad luck from his past life have started to meddle with his new life. Sensing the Godly powers within Ace's body, an ancient immortal existence awakened. Her goal is to get her hands on God's power. But due to her weakened state and the powerful superhumans around Ace, she failed to get near Ace. So, she hired the world's No-1 retired Assassin, Mark, to take on the job. The ancient immortal offered Mark a chance to resurrect his wife in exchange for Ace's life. So, he took on the job of assassinating Ace. But, he got a plan of his own. Thus begins the story of Ace and Mark, in the world of superhumans. Far away, an unstable portal opened on an isolated island. A human emerged from that portal, bleeding and covered in violet flames. "You took everything from me..." "It's time to pay back..." "Lucas!!!" ****************** I do not own the cover. Tell me if you are the owner and want me to remove it.

  • The Rose Of The Impotent C.E.O

    The Rose Of The Impotent C.E.O

    “You need money? I can give you that, you only need to be my wife.” Those words, his cold and emotionless eyes told me that he sad. Roselyn Jensen is known as a queen of bad luck and clumsiness. But she a warm, sunny and loving person. She stops studying in college because her mother is in comma because of an accident. She meet a man that will change her life. She can easily attach herself to people but she fell for him because he is the saddest man she meet. For some reason she had this feelings of wanting to take care of him for the rest of her life. A 30-years old C.E.O and an heir of a multibillionaire business empire is just a lonely man. Due to an accident, Crimson Luca became an impotent. He lost his fiancée and also ready to be alone in seclusion. But his grandfather threatens him. “Get married or you won’t inherit anything.” He found a girl whom he can be a contracted wife. Little did he know that woman will give him a rosy world whom he gives up already. Love knocks on his door once again.

  • Ishq-e-Rifaqat (Love and companionship)

    Ishq-e-Rifaqat (Love and companionship)

    A simple girl who always wanted a soul that would love her cherish her , be her companion in her life.Join in the journey of Roohi who will find her love and a companion in arrnaged marriage. A short story by a rookie write . Hope you all enjoy it

  • B L U E

    B L U E

    "Well. If you want it in more simpler terms. You. are. Mine"" My name is Blue. My life was pretty normal. No parents, some guardians, a job at their restaurant. Y'know. Everyday stuff. Little did I realize that one man would come in the form of a king. A dangerous king, to take me away to his kingdom. That's when I observed, that I was Loved By The Mafia King"

  • H.E.R.O.




    Helios Black an otaku on Earth has his soul transmigrated. Waking up into a world where a power known as ability exist. Our MC being an otaku and having read so many isekai novels knew that the only way to survive in this new world was to become stronger. But to him it’s different, instead of letting the cliché events coming after him like those main characters in the novel he read, he go the other way around. As the previous owner of this body was unable to unlock it’s ability. Our MC tried to investigate this so-called ability. Inside his consciousness he saw a large wooden door, having the memories of the previous owner our MC knows that this was the door to gain the power know as ability. For some unknown reason, the previous owner was unable to open the said door. The moment our MC touches the door it suddenly opens. Instead of gaining the said ability what appears in front of him was an unending grassland. In grassland, he meets the great sage equal to heaven Sun Wukong where he received a cultivation technique. As his power grows along his adventure he came to know a piece of information that he wasn’t the only person that had been isekai from his previous world along with the information about a way to return to the world where the isekai individual came from. Would our MC choose to return to his previous world where he is known by his family as a loser that doesn’t have any direction in life? or would he choose to stay in a world where he can realize his otaku dream? _*_*_*_ shameless author here I shamelessly changed my synopsis this is my first time writing a novel also English isn't my first language so their might be some mistake here and there but I'm open to your criticism so please help me out guys I would really appreciate it. I would like to say my thank you to the illustrator HUGCACTUS for the new cover page of my novel thanks for the new cover page HUGCACTUS

  • M.I.N.E


    Leon KeithHe doesn't believe in love after his girlfriend of 8 years left him. He was going to propose to her but she cheated on him and going to married with someone else. His parents decided to arranged marriage him with their close friend's daughter.Ivory EvansRich. Arrogant. Spoiled. She always gave her parents a headache ever since she was born. Her parents decided to arranged marriage her with their close friend's son. She hates the idea but after she met him, she changed her mind.

  • I R R E P L A C E A B L E

    I R R E P L A C E A B L E


    not because the god doesn't knows you're craying but he knows that you're strong cover by: pinterest
